Evolution of the game

Each age its Gramzzle


Originalité du jeu :

          Des socles

          Des images

          Des smileys


Les socles ont la forme de pièces de puzzle. (Fabriqués en bois pour le prototype, découpés à la scie à chantourner)

Les images sont elles aussi de formes identiques aux différents socles en fonction de leur nature dans la phrase.

socle avec image gramzzle

Ainsi, le joueur n’a plus qu’à scratcher l'image (qui est de même forme) sur le socle en bois.


smiley vert gramzzleUn système de smiley permet à l’enseignant/au(x) parent(s)smiley rouge gramzzle

de contrôler le résultat et d’encourager le joueur




Le Jeu serait décliné en plusieurs tomes. Chaque boite proposerait un certain nombre de socles et d'images en respectant le développement du langage oral de l’enfant.


Grammatical notions approached between 4 and 7 years old :
  • The agreement in gender and in number between the article and the common noun → Associating the good article with the correct noun.
  • The agreement in gender and in number between the article, the adjective and the common noun → Associating the good article, adjective and noun.
  • The agreement in gender and in number between the possessive determiner and the common noun → associating the good possessive determiner with the good noun.
  • Realization of a simple sentence with attribute of the subject → Associating the good article with the good noun and with the good adjective.
  • Realization of a short sentence → Proper noun + the verb with the aim of managing to produce good personal pronouns and the good verb.
  • Realization of a sentence with direct object → Associating the good articles with the nouns, producing the good verb.
  • Realization of a sentence with a pronoun-direct object → Replacing the noun with the pronoun which suits.
  • The agreement in gender and in number on the theme of the jobs → Associating the good article with the good noun, and by deriving correctly the feminine in particular.
  • Introduction of the preposition in a nominal group → Producing the good preposition and associating good article with the good common noun.
  • Realization of a sentence complete like subject + verb + direct object + adverbial phrase → Associating the goods articles with goods nouns, producing the good verb and producing the good preposition.
  • Complexity with addition of the adjective → Associating correctly in gender and in number the articles and adjectives while producing the good verb.
  • Introduction of the adverbial phrase of negation → Producing correct negative sentences.
  • Realization of a sentence complete like subject + verb + direct object + indirect object +adverbial phrase → associating correct articles with correct nouns, producing the good verb.
  • Realization of a sentence in the imperative → Producing verb + direct object.
  • Realization of a sentence with « and » between two commons nouns→ Producing the good agreements if need be (masculine gender prevails over feminine gender).


Les valeurs du Jeu


Les Valeurs du Jeu

